Config File

Houl config file can be .json or .js that exports config object. It specifies the project source/destination directory, the way how it transforms sources and so on. Available options are following:

Key Description
input Path to source directory
output Path to destination directory
exclude Glob pattern(s) of files that will be ignored from input
taskFile Path to task file that is described in the later section
preset Preset package name or an object that specify a preset Preset package name
preset.options Preset options
rules Specify how to transform source files
dev Dev server related options (See Dev options for details)


You can specify the way how to transform the source files by rules. The rules field in config file should be an object and its keys indicate target extensions for transformation. For example, if you want to transform .js files, you should add js field in rules object.

Each field in rules object can be an object, a string or a function. If string or function is specified, it will be treated as task.

Key Description
task Task name or inline task that will apply transformations
outputExt Extension of output files. If omitted, it is same as input files' extensions.
exclude Glob pattern(s) of files that will not be applied the rule
progeny Specify progeny configs for the corresponding file format
options Options for the corresponding task that is passed to the 2nd argument of the task


Houl can load external preset that distributed on NPM. You can load it by specifying preset field of the config file. For example, if you want to use houl-preset-foo preset, just write the package name to preset.

  "input": "./src",
  "output": "./dist",
  "preset": "houl-preset-foo"

Specifying preset options

A preset receives any options value if you set a options property in the preset field.

  "input": "./src",
  "output": "./dist",
  "preset": {
    "name": "houl-preset-foo",
    "options": {
      "exclude": "**/_*/**"

The specified options can be referred in the config file of the preset if it is defined as a function style.

module.exports = function(options) {
  return {
    exclude: options.exclude,
    rules: {
      // ...

Extending preset config

You may want to extend an existing preset rules to adapt your own needs. In that case, you just specify additional options for corresponding rules.

For example, when the preset config is like the following:

  "rules": {
    "js": {
      "task": "script"

The user config:

  "preset": "houl-preset-foo",
  "rules": {
    "js": {
      "exclude": "**/_*/**"

The above user config is the same as the following config:

  "rules": {
    "js": {
      "task": "script",
      "exclude": "**/_*/**"

If you want to tweak presets more flexible, you can use preset.modifyConfig option. modifyConfig expects a function that receives a raw preset config object as the 1st argument. You modify the preset config in the function or optionally return new config object.

module.exports = {
  input: './src',
  output: './dist',
  preset: {
    name: 'houl-preset-foo',
    modifyConfig: config => {
      // Remove `foo` task in the preset
      // You have to use `delete` statement instead of
      // assigning `null` to remove a task.

Dev options

You can provide dev server related options via dev field. The dev field has an object which can include the following properties.

Key Description
proxy Proxy configurations which is compatible with node-http-proxy options.
port Port number of the dev server as same as the --port cli option.
basePath Base path of the dev server as same as the --base-path cli option.

The below is an example of proxy configuration:

  "dev": {
    "proxy": {
      "/foo": "",
      "/bar": {
        "target": "",
        "secure": true

The key of the proxy object indicates which requests for the path should be proxied. The above config let the dev server proxy requests under /foo to and /bar to

Config Example

Full example of config file:

  "input": "./src",
  "output": "./dist",
  "exclude": ["**/_*", "**/private/**"],
  "taskFile": "./houl.task.js",
  "preset": "houl-preset-foo",
  "rules": {
    "js": {
      "task": "scripts",
      "exclude": "**/vendor/**",
      "progeny": {
        "extension": "es6"
    "scss": {
      "task": "styles",
      "outputExt": "css",
      "options": {
        "fooValue": "foo"